In this post, I'll address an implementation of tiled Cholesky factorization using ScalPL. I've chosen this problem specifically because it is often used as a "real world" example when demonstrating various parallel programming models or languages. In that vein, two references which seem especially clear (and which may serve for future comparisons) include a Concurrent Collections (CnC) implementation (Knobe) and a NUMA implementation (Jeannot). It should be noted that the latter effectively computes the result in place, while the former apparently doesn't, but since data can be assumed to move between processors in both cases, the notion of being "in place" is not as clear as one might expect. Other useful references include wikipedia and Matlab descriptions.
First, the general algorithm in English as I understand it. (If I make mistakes here, I expect them to be minor enough not to lose the overall point, and I entrust commenters to straighten me out: It is surely due to errors in my translation, and not in these original references.) It iterates over the lower diagonal of a symmetric square matrix -- i.e. the elements (i,j) where j (the column) is less than or equal to i (the row), with the assumption that the elements above that diagonal are equal to their "reflected" counterparts below. The matrix is then assumed to be tiled, so that each element of the matrix (array) operated upon by the algorithm actually contains a fixed-size square tile of the original, larger matrix, but this aspect is below the level of detail addressed here.
The algorithm: Each iteration first computes the element (i.e. tile) in upper left corner (1,1) with a routine (or "tactic", in ScalPL) called cholesky here (DPOTRF in the Jeannot paper, which uses the LAPACK kernels). This computation relies only on the previous value of this element to produce the new value. The algorithm then computes each of the other elements in the first column (i.e. directly below that top corner) with a routine called trisolve here (DTRSM in the Jeannot paper), updating each element using the new value in 1,1 as well as its own former value. And then, whenever the appropriate inputs are available, the algorithm computes all the other elements (i.e. those not in the first column), where element i,j is updated using its previous value and elements (i,1) and (j,1) from the first column. For non-diagonal elements, routine update here (DGEMM in the Jeannot paper) is used for this, and for diagonal elements (for which only one value from the first column is used, since i=j), routine updateDiag (DSYRK in Jeannot) is used. When enough data has been computed from this iteration, the next iteration (or in our case, recursion) can begin, which works identically except that the whole computation is shifted diagonally down one, so that element 2,2 from one iteration is used as the new top corner of the matrix in the next iteration, so the matrix it operates on is smaller by one in both dimensions. That means that no element of the first column of any iteration (computed by cholesky and trisolve) will ever be accessed by subsequent iterations, so those results can theoretically be used by (passed back to) the caller ASAP, such as if there is more potential concurrency there. Iterating/recursing continues until an iteration operates on a 1x1 matrix, at which point cholesky is performed on that element and we're done.
A top level ScalPL strategy (i.e. plan or program) to accomplish this is shown below. The matrix of tiles is represented by the resource rectangle at the bottom (labeled Tiles), with two hash marks on the left to represent the two dimensions, and the invocation of cholesky, trisolve, and Updates are represented by the three circles with those labels. (We'll use the convention that capitalized names like Update represent strategies, uncapitalized represent tactics.) The circle at the right (which is unlabeled due to having a role bound to, and thus named, $plan) represents the recursive invocation to the next iteration. The circle at the left (truncateRange) simply initializes resource TwoToN with the range of indices of the matrix it is operating upon except for the first (i.e. 2 to N, where N is the matrix size), to provide indices for trisolve and Updates. The remaining circle (containing the $null tactic to the right of cholesky) is to "short circuit" and return the cholesky result in the final 1x1 case, since trisolve and Updates won't be invoked in that case. The control state of TwoToN signifies whether this is that final case (in which case it is Only1Row/red) or the normal case (where it is AtLeast2Rows/yellow).
![]() |
Cholesky strategy (click to enlarge) |
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Updates strategy |
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UpdateRow strategy |
These diagrams basically are the program. All that's left is the coding of the tactics (cholesky, trisolve, update, updateDiag, truncateRange, and internalIndices) in a base language like C or Fortran. The first four are likely simple calls to standard kernels as in the Jeannot paper (e.g. DPOTRF, DTRSM, DGEMM, and DSYRK, respectively). The last two are a few lines each, e.g. something like:
internalIndices {TwoToRowNumMinus1->beg = 2; TwoToRowNumMinus1->end = *RowNum - 1;}One of the trickiest aspects of making a truly portable implementation is in deciding what to do with the first column of an iteration. If there is potential concurrency in the calling parent/mainline, there may be some merit to returning that first column to the caller soon after it has been computed by cholesky and trisolve, otherwise not. But even if so, how soon after? Since that first column must still be read by update and updateDiag steps in the iteration, should return of the column wait until these are done, or should a copy be made for these or for the caller to facilitate an early return? (On a message-passing system, the copy may be made anyway by virtue of communicating.) Or maybe access should be returned to the caller immediately, with a "copy on write" made only if the caller then tries to modify the elements while they are still being accessed by the update and updateDiag steps? Regardless of the answers we choose, building them into the algorithm will make it less portable for cases where they would be better answered differently.
Fortunately, these are exactly the issues addressed by carefully established semantics of predictability in ScalPL. In this particular case, in the Cholesky strategy, we see that the Column1 role of Updates is predictable (with read permission and one transition), meaning that once something within Updates accesses an element, that transition will eventually be issued in Cholesky for that element, even if Updates itself doesn't issue it -- and indeed, it never does in this case. This leaves the Director (i.e. runtime) flexibility to wait for any length of time, and/or make copies/snapshots always or on demand/write. These decisions can be made in realtime, or (perhaps in many cases) via hints/annotations by a human planner which do not alter the behavior.
One more minor/technical point. In this example, Column1 and TwoToN in Updates are shown as activation formals, represented with filled triangles. This is primarily to simplify coding by allowing transition back to the initial/green control state, which is not ordinarily allowed for formal resources. This approach does have the slight downside that Updates cannot activate until all of the elements of the first column are Altered/yellow. (This also means that the entire Column1 role is effectively accessed by Updates as soon as it activates/binds, so predictable transitions will eventually result to all of those elements.) The use of activation formals here could be avoided by adding another control state to Column1 and TwoToN, and adding a $null activity to each to transition from green to that new control state, which would then logically be the new initial control state, as suggested in Figure 9.9 in the book.)
I am personally quite happy with this example. It demonstrates the flexibility of the binding modifiers, even when dealing with triangular arrays, and of the predictability rules in solving very real issues. Overall, I believe the diagrams are highly intuitive, and carry at least as much information as a similar page area of text would. And I believe that this demonstrates advantages of ScalPL over other approaches for scalability, portability, correctness, and formality.
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